the reproduce code is very simple, just drag a DatePicker and set locale to another one(not default or en, zh-CN here), you will see the display texts like all week day name and Time are not translated to Chinese,still english, here is the image of it:
(I don't know why image link is not allowed so here is the image url without "https://" ).
DatePicker(selection: .constant(Date()), label: { Text("Time") })
.datePickerStyle(GraphicalDatePickerStyle()).environment(\.locale, Locale.init(identifier: "zh-CN"))
and there is another issue actually , it show 12 hour format even your device setting is 24 hour.
Hi, I use Xcode Instruments to Profile my app, but I don't know why Instruments can not find the right source code path, like the screensh ot shows, the path is wrong, what is ? it looks like a placeholder, is xcode forgetting to replace this placeholder with real file name?
anyone know how to fix this? thank you in advance