For me, I like to create an aggregate device so I can use 2 sets of headphones inside of Logic Pro X to mix my songs with whatever artist is in my studio. I like for them to hear the instrumental and their voice while recording, and I also want to be able to hear them as they record simultaneously through the use of the aggregate device that I create with the audio Midi Setup on the computer. So I add in my case my Scarlett 2i2 audio interface along with my pair of headphones(it should pop up as External Headphones inside of the audio Midi Setup app) which I plug directly into my MacBook and my artist that I'm recording will use the headphones that plug directly into the audio interface.
When you do this however, you have to make sure to tick Drift Correction for both of the devices that are being linked
or however many devices you may have. If you only have 1 ticked, then you will experience weird crackling noise when you try to playback things.
As soon as I ticked both Drift Corrections, my issues went away.
SO you shouldn't have to mess with the Sample Rate at all. Just ticking the Drift Correction box for however many devices you are linking together, and then properly setting up your Input and Output channels in your software and also on your computer settings in the Sounds section SHOULD FIX YOUR ISSUE. 🤓