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Hi there, I already filed radar FB9958917 two weeks ago and no response. this is super annoying when you are debuging a giant app and suddenly you switch the input source, and all debug work is gone and I have to kill xcode to start over again. unacceptable, only happens after you upgrade to 13.3
by Wingzero.
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So I am trying to use test without building for my perf test. I use below command to build for testing: xcodebuild build-for-testing -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 Pro' -project MeasuringInTests.xcodeproj -scheme MeasuringInTests  and it succeeds now start testing: xcodebuild test-without-building -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 Pro" -xctestrun /Users/lx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MeasuringInTests-adylpmhgxgvhbmfsacjgebueadzk/Build/Products/MeasuringInTests_iphonesimulator14.5-x86_64.xctestrun however for every test case it throws: Test Suite 'MeasuringInTestsUITests' started at 2021-08-04 19:10:14.708 Test Case '-[MeasuringInTestsUITests.MeasuringInTestsUITests testCalculateWithClockMetric]' started.   t =   0.00s Start Test at 2021-08-04 19:10:14.709 Error while reading test baseline file: "The file “9A6EEBD5-A75D-4D0E-9ED2-2ACCBC1BEE47.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." at path: "/Users/lx/Downloads/MeasuringInTests-master/__TESTHOST__/PlugIns/MeasuringInTestsUITests.xctest/xcbaselines/9A6EEBD5-A75D-4D0E-9ED2-2ACCBC1BEE47.plist"2021-08-04 19:10:15.158590+0800 MeasuringInTestsUITests-Runner[56077:5970055] Running tests... Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout in MeasuringInTestsUITests.testCalculateWithClockMetric(); summary will include totals from previous launches. I have no idea why the path became "/Users/lx/Downloads/MeasuringInTests-master/__TESTHOST__/PlugIns/MeasuringInTestsUITests.xctest nor do I know how to fix this. Are there any variables I should specify to generate the baseline file for xctestrun files? because in the xctestrun file, it shows: "MeasuringInTestsUITests": { "BaselinePath": "__TESTBUNDLE__/xcbaselines/9A6EEBD5-A75D-4D0E-9ED2-2ACCBC1BEE47.plist", "BlueprintName": "MeasuringInTestsUITests", Please help how to fix this. directly using xcodebuild test seems totally fine, but I do want to take advantage of test without building.
by Wingzero.
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Hi there, Today I found that, it seems xcodebuild test-without-building does not respect build setting variables from command line? I did see one log first from command line: Build settings from command line: build_number = 0 device_status = 1 vendor_type = 1 but later in the code: PerfLog-[TXIM] Receive Vendor type: 5, build number: 0 In Xcode - Build settings, my user defined variable vendor_type is indeed 5 (see below image) Changing back to xcodebuild test does not have the issue. Is this a bug? or what shoud I do to make it work?
by Wingzero.
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Hi there, My DTK is on Big Sur build 20A5299w, I run the BAU again from DTK resource page, and it says beta 5 is available, however no matter how many times I click update, it will fail to download all the time. The progress bar is beneath the char n in Download word. If I choose to restore the update settings, it tells me the DTK is up to date. Anyone can fix this asap? Thanks.
by Wingzero.
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Hi there, I was trying to capture HTTPS traffic by Charles or Burp for iOS app. I was able to capture most of the requests, but one request is missing most of the time, and occasionally I can capture one. I want to ask is this a bug by iOS networking framework, or there is some special flags/techniques can do this? How can I proceed? I was able to debug and see the request is being sent out and get the response, but it's just not captured by proxy. Thanks.
by Wingzero.
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