




How to keep a sidebar item selected when navigation link is triggered in the detail view on iPadOS with SwiftUI?
Hi ! I'm asking your help today about a mysterious behavior of the navigation link coupled with the sidebar on iPadOS. First, here is my sidebar code: List(1..<5) { _ in NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) { Label("Item", systemImage: "house") } } .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) } This view contains navigation links to display a detail view as you can see. My detail view contains another navigation link to a simple view containing a Text. Here is the code of my detail view: Spacer() NavigationLink(destination: Text("Hello")) { Text("Touch me") } Spacer() } Now, let's compile this code: The sidebar is well displayed and the first item is selected. Now let's tap the button on the detail view to trigger a navigation link inside the detail view. When tapping the button, the navigation link is triggered as wanted, but the item in the sidebar become unselected. To compare, I would like to reproduce the iPad Music app navigation of the Album item of the sidebar. In there, you can select an album and go further in the navigation stack. And it keeps the sidebar item selected ! Can you help me to fix this issue ? Thanks a lot !
Nov ’21