I am working on iOS Network Extension for with DNS proxy capability
We have existing app that already having DNS Settings option which filter out all browsing url quires and to do that we are providing our app as another option in but problem we are facing that after adding Network Extension with DNS proxy cabaility, I am seeing two option in seating->> VPN & DeviceManagement.
So will be more confusing to user to filter quires How we can use only DNS Proxy option in VPN & DeviceManagement.
We have Main CustomDNSApp and another one Target Network Extension capability DNSProxyProvider
DNSProxyProvider class methods will call CustomDNSApp.
on iOS is it possible to run 2 DNS Proxy Providers at the same time?
DNS Proxy Provider vs DNS Settings
Settings -->VPN & DeviceManagement seems two DNS
One for DNS Settings capability that one my app
another one DNS Proxy that one implement NetworkExtnesion with DNS Proxy Capability.
How to call handle new flow in my app when we browsing any quires.
On iOS, is it possible to run 2 DNS Proxy Providers at the same time?
What language are you programming in? : Swift UI , Swift
What does the JSON response actually look like? Can you post an example?
"Status" : 0,
"TC": false,
"RD": true,
"RA": true,
"AD": false,
"CD": false,
"Question": [
"name": "google.com.",
"type": 1
"Answer": [
"name": "google.com.",
"type": 1,
"TTL": 600,
"data": ""
"name": "google.com.",
"type": 1,
"TTL": 600,
"data": ""
"name": "google.com.",
"type": 1,
"TTL": 600,
"data": ""
How are you parsing this JSON response? Using Swift’s Codable feature? Or something else? : Combine framework
try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: response, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)
@burhanshakir - I used your code , I have same query, as we want redirect all the traffic to our own customDNS Server so basically I don't understand where to put CustomDNS Server call also when I run above code it has following issues
I am not able to move ahed after dnsServer.start() call in outBoundCopier function and receiveData method not trigger
Also could you please tell me , where I should put custom DNS API call and how to process the JSON response receiving from that call
@Meaton - can you please help this issue
@burhanshakir - private let endPoint = NWHostEndpoint(hostname:"," port:"")
In the above line what is hostname and port need to pass her
connection = NWConnection(host: CUSTOM_DNS_IP, port: CUSTOM_DNS_PORT, using: .udp)
In this above line what is CUSTOM_DNS_IP, and CUSTOM_DNS_PORT values
Can you please suggestion.
Hi @eskimo,
I apologise for not putting my query in proper formatted text.
Ok as per your suggestion I will use codable format for above JSON and then will go for conversion of JSON to Binary DNS Messages format. Firstly Im not going to write my own code for this as I know it's very difficult for me so I will go for some third party options. But important question here I want to ask to you that, These are the steps that Im trying to achieve are these correct?
After getting the call in handleNewFlow method, Im taking the hostname and sending it to our own DNS resolver to resolve.
After getting the JSON response from our DNS resolver, what should we do? - This is the case which we want to you provide your input. because my assumption is that after getting JSON response from our resolver, we will convert that JSON to DNS binary messages format and will send it to writeDataGrams? Is this correct way or not?
Because as per developer documentation and some of the different posts on developer forum there is established sequence to process the flow after getting the call in handleNewFlow method. and Im not very much clear about it how to use that flow to resolve received query to our custom DNS resolver. or how can we use our custom DNS resolver to resolve queries?
From all of this, our basic requriement and expectation of our client is to resolve all the queries through our own custom DNS resolver.
@eskimo - NE Provider running , I am able to do debugging Extension Provider.
I implemented like this thread https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/678464?answerId=671795022#671795022 but I passed endPoint = NWHostEndpoint(hostname:customDNSIP, port:CustomDNSPort) and here this connection also connection = NWConnection(host:customDNSIP, port:customDNSPort , using: .udp)
But Connection State always getting .waiting and error was "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Network.NWError error 1.)"
Could please help on this issue
Note: When I Enable DNSProxy in settings iPhone Device Internet connection was stoped. Unable to browse any url getting hanged and not process url
As per your suggestion , I have posted my issue in DTS tech support incident , please find my Case-ID: 3030453.
Can you please check it.