I am integrated Network Extension in iOS platform in HnadleNewFlow method will get hostname and in API have list of Domains (text.abc, can.com,google.com)
If hostname will not match listDomains we consider as public domains and these domains will resolve by CustomDNS application
If hostname will match listDomains we consider as local domains we need to Reslove this query through DefaultDNS
Query : How to resolve local domains query through default DNS
Can you please help this
I have implemented NetworkExtension in iOS app.
We have Custom DNS and DNS Proxy in Settings , how we can switch back
two instances , I don't want show case in DNS Proxy in settings need to handle programmatically
How we can do.
I am implemented NetworkExtension Framework, I am using DNS Proxy capability
here I am called Handlenewflow method getting remotehostname
based on hostname we are calling my local api getting response
So I need to convert those data and pass to WriteDatagram
//needs to be converted back into a (binary) DNS response for the OS
How to send DNS data packets to a custom DNS server using NEDNSProxyProvider on a supervised device
I am developing Network Extension using DNS Proxy Capability
So I implemented like this reference link https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/678464?answerId=671795022#671795022
I tried same steps but Received data method not trigger and WriteDataGram faluire
@meaton - Can you please suggestion on this issue.
We have Integrated Sparkle framework and entitlement value com.apple.security.app-sandbox true when I upload build to TestFlight getting error
App sandbox not enabled. The following executables must include the "com.apple.security.app-sandbox" entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlements property list: [( "com.ultra.ddr.pkg/Payload/UltraDDR.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/Autoupdate", "com.ultra.ddr.pkg/Payload/UltraDDR.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/Updater", "com.ultra.ddr.pkg/Payload/UltraDDR.app/Contents/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework/Versions/B/XPCServices/org.sparkle-project.InstallerLauncher.xpc/Contents/MacOS/org.sparkle-project.InstallerLauncher" )] Refer to App Sandbox page at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/app_sandbox for more information on sandboxing your app. (ID: ffa0a9c8-1516-4e2b-8f1f-579e095c31a3)
I am implemented Network Extension(System Extension) in MacOS App and Capability DNS Proxy , I setup all configuration when I tried to attach System extension it shows Waiting for attach and breakpoints and logs are not working
Can you please help me this issue
I have implemented following code of NEDNSProxyProvider. My basic requirement is I want to process the flow but instead of using data from datagrams I want to use data received from our custom DNS server. After tons of articles documentation Im able to write following code. But it's failing continuously in writeDataGrams with "Invalid arguments data" and "The operation could not be completed because Flow not connected". I know somethings is wrong in processing the data but what is wrong Im not able to figure out. Also I want to know is this even possible to achieve this by using API call inside datagrams for loop and then send data to writedatagrams?
After getting JSONResponse Im using third party library to convert query form JSONData binary before sending it to writeDataGrams.
The reason of using API call inside datagrams is, our backend server needs track of all https requests and the data that server send in response of API call, it will decide whether this particular url should be processed/accessible or not.
@Eskimo , @meton - could please help this requirement.