New Apple articles published on Dec 7, 2023:
Upcoming third-party SDK requirements
Privacy updates for App Store submissions
The generated privacy report only includes nutrition labels from dynamics libraries and SDK resource bundles. If the privacy manifest file is in a static library instead of in a associated bundle, then the privacy report generator is not able to find it.
If the 3rd party SDK is integrated as source code and its privacy manifest is not in a bundle, then the SDK privacy manifest might overwrite the app privacy manifest in the product app package.
The generated privacy report only includes nutrition labels from dynamics libraries and SDK resource bundles. If the privacy manifest file is in a static library instead of in a associated bundle, then the privacy report generator is not able to find it.
If the 3rd party SDK is integrated as source code and its privacy manifest is not in a bundle, then the SDK privacy manifest might overwrite the app privacy manifest in the product app package.
The generated privacy report only includes nutrition labels from dynamics libraries and SDK resource bundle. If the privacy manifest file is in a static library instead of in a associated bundle, then the privacy report generator is not able to find it.
If the 3rd party SDK is integrated as source code and its privacy manifest is not in a bundle, then the SDK privacy manifest might overwrite the app privacy manifest in the product app package.
New Apple articles on published on July 27, 2023:
List of APIs that require declared reasons now available
Privacy manifest files
Describing data use in privacy manifests
Describing use of required reason API
I believe we can do this: in the .podspec file of your CocoaPods, add xcprivacy to spec.source_files. For example, spec.source_files = 'Source/**/*.{h,m,swift,xcprivacy}'
After pod install, the .xcprivacy file is in both the pod directory and pod target.
Did you add the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to the SDK's target membership? I fixed this error by doing so. Hope it helps. Thanks!