




Reply to Xcode 15 beta 5 External macro implementation type 'ObservationMacros.ObservableMacro' could not be found for macro 'Observable()
I had the same issue and after hours found the solution on my side. For our library we had to define a macOS support version besides iOS for SwiftSyntaxMacros. Locally we used MacOS 14 and set it to 14. On the Server we were running 13.X. We did not get a error for the MacOS support version only "error: external macro implementation type 'foo' could not be found for macro 'foo'". After setting it to MacOS 12 the issue was gone: platforms: [.macOS(.v12), .iOS(.v15)], I hope this is useful for you. Online I found no solutions for this issue.
Oct ’23
Reply to External macro implementation type could not be found for macro 'stringify'
I had the same issue and after hours found the solution on my side. For our library we had to define a macOS support version besides iOS for SwiftSyntaxMacros. Locally we used MacOS 14 and set it to 14. On the Server we were running 13.X. We did not get a error for the MacOS support version only "error: external macro implementation type 'foo' could not be found for macro 'foo'". After setting it to MacOS 12 the issue was gone: platforms: [.macOS(.v12), .iOS(.v15)], I hope this is useful for you. Online I found no solutions for this issue.
Oct ’23