




Reply to WARNING: Application performed a reentrant operation in its NSTableView delegate. This warning will become an assert in the future.
I am getting this too when clearing the search field for a table in a macOS app built with SwiftUI. My code is very similar to the OP's code. I have a MainActor class that is an @ObservableObject (I create a singleton of it) holding a Deque of data that is @Published. I have a computed property that returns a filtered Deque (from the published Deque), and that what is used to populate the table. The table has a .searchable(text:) modifier. I get the alert when I clear the search field.
Apr ’23
Reply to SimpleFirewall
I just got it working but for logging only. I'm not trying to stop any flows at the moment. It took a while to get all the names right (e.g., NEMachServiceName, AppGroups, etc.). I have no filter rules, so my extension gets every flow. My extension does not send messages to the user app. I set up startFilter to look like this: override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { completionHandler(nil) } and then handleFlow to look like this override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict { if let socketFlow = flow as? NEFilterSocketFlow, let remoteEndpoint = socketFlow.remoteEndpoint, let localEndpoint = socketFlow.localEndpoint { os_log("Flow local endpoint %{public}@, remote endpoint %{public}@", localEndpoint, remoteEndpoint) } else { os_log("Flow (unknown)") } return .allow() } Then I use the Console app to watch all the log messages. I also set a filter string, SimpleFirewall, in the console app to keep an eye on just my stuff. Side note: in the os_log() call, use %{public}@, not just %@. My next step will be to send messages to the user app.
Aug ’22
Reply to Communicating to endpoint security extension over XPC
Follow up: I've found two additional ways to allow the third app to connect to the endpoint system extension over XPC: Add the "System Extension" capability/entitlement to the app (even though this doesn't install a System Extension, it just received data from it); note, this changes the Signing Certificate from "Development" to "Apple Development: (my development identity info)" Change Signing Certificate to "Sign to Run Locally" If I do either of those, I can remove the temporary entitlement entitlement (I look forward to getting the endpoint security entitlement to see what issues go away and which ones remain (and to enable security on my laptop again)) Thanks
Jul ’22