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I am currently building an app using PHASE, and I am using a PUSHStreamNode as an asset since the audio data I am using is coming from a stream. I produce from this stream 1 channel, 48kHz sample rate pcm buffers. I can create the node and the event, but when I start the engine (without even providing any data to the streams), I get the following error: Fatal Action tree data error: push stream data has invalid audio format, layoutTag = 0x0. I tried changing the format provided to PHASEPushStreamNodeDefinition, but it didn't help. Is there a specific AVAudioFormat that I need to use? My code to create the PushStreamNode: let source = PHASESource(engine: self.engine) do { try self.engine.rootObject.addChild(source)} catch { print("Failed to add a source to the scene") } let mixer = PHASESpatialMixerDefinition( spatialPipeline: PHASESpatialPipeline( flags: .directPathTransmission)! ) let model = PHASEGeometricSpreadingDistanceModelParameters() model.rolloffFactor = 1.0 mixer.distanceModelParameters = model let pushStreamNode = PHASEPushStreamNodeDefinition(mixerDefinition: mixer, format: AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: 48000.0, channels: 1)!) var soundEventAsset: PHASESoundEventNodeAsset! do { soundEventAsset = try self.engine.assetRegistry.registerSoundEventAsset( rootNode: pushStreamNode, identifier: "mic_stream" ) } catch { print("Failed to register the sound event asset") return nil } let mixerParameters = PHASEMixerParameters() mixerParameters.addSpatialMixerParameters( identifier: mixer.identifier, source: source, listener: self.listener! ) var event: PHASESoundEvent! do { event = try PHASESoundEvent( engine: self.engine, assetIdentifier: soundEventAsset.identifier, mixerParameters: mixerParameters ) } catch { print("Failed to create the sound event \(error)") return nil }
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