Any updates on this? I'm still facing the same issue.
Any updates on this?
Same issue for me.. I also updated to XCode 12.5.1 and I have the same issue.
On Apple System Status looks like Notary system is up and running but I have the same issue... tested few minutes ago.
App Store Connect Operation Error
Failed retreiving request UUID for upload
On Apple System Status looks like the Notary system is up and running but I have the same issue... tested a few minutes ago.
App Store Connect Operation Error Failed retreiving request UUID for upload
@eskimo Hey :)
I tried using XCode 12.5 and after that I updated to XCode 12.5.1 and I had the same issue.
I will try with altool
Still facing the same issue.... with both Free apps & Paid apps agreements signed (status "Active" for both of them)
It's working.. finally