Hi all
I am going to develop a software for third party-UWB chipset communication with U1.
From the document, third party chipset have to send the UWBConfigData to U1, but I have no idea how to fill in Manufacturer ID and UWB chipset model ID . anyone can help?
Hi All
I can run the nearby interaction even the apps is in background, while there is a distance information in the accessory side, the apps invoke delegate function "didRemove nearbyObject" with timeout periodically.
is there any way to disable the timeout when it is running in background?
Or anything I did wrong so that the session keep timeout while there is distance measurement in accessory side, please anyone help.
Thanks in advance
I am working on the background mode of nearby interaction, from the WWDC 2022 video, my Apps have to do pairing, connect with third party device's BLE
Afterward, I have to implement a method called
triggerPairing ( peripheral: peripheral, encryptedCharacteristics: CBCharacteristics),
to trigger pairing process.
The document mention that Apps should NOT discover the nearby interaction GATT service, but the encrypted characteristic is belonged to this service.
how can I pass the parameters into the triggerPairing function if the Apps does not discover the service? what parameter should I pass into the function?
Does anyone help?
I am developing nearbyinteraction Apps, where the direction is not working in Iphone 14, while it works fine in Iphone 11,12,13..
when I try to check the availability
isSupported = NISession.deviceCapabilities.supportsDirectionMeasurement
Iphone 14 shows not support.
Can anyone know more details?
I would like to get the direction value from NISession, from the document, it said "On iPhone, it’s possible to receieve direction for nearby third-party accessories in sessions that enable visionAssistanceEnabled"
but i have no idea how to enable it as there is no member belong to NISession, plus deviceCapabilities is only available in IOS 16+
anyone has idea?