




Reply to VisionOS - Enhancing Accessibility for Individuals with Visual Impairments
Hello there, I just stumbled upon your post while looking how I can improve my visionOS app's accessibility. Unfortunately it's just a small card matching game, so it won't help you much, but it's fully accessible and I just tried it again with VoiceOver on the Vision Pro and saw, that it's not possible to jump to the Immersive Content once it's in Full Space. Not sure if it's a bug from Apple or on my side, but I have to fix it. In case you are interested to give it a try, it's called Ploppy Pairs and is available on all Apple platforms except the Apple Watch. (Link: Anyway, sorry for drifting away haha, it's always very interesting to read about the experiences of visually impaired people to get a feeling of how we as developers can help to make our apps better for everyone, so thanks for sharing your thoughts! Do you actually have a Vision Pro? Because for your impairment I was wondering if you heard about the app Magic Room? (Link: I never tried it myself as it costs around 18$, but I think it uses environment tracking to put overlays onto your real surroundings. Maybe this can help you seeing your surroundings better in the dark! The developer is also quite active on X (Link:, so I guess he also responds to feature requests if you have any! Best Regards, Michael
Dec ’24