@Claude31 I guess he is referring to opening a particular view when notification is clicked and not the navigationView or navLink. I have a similar issue.
@DilipRam could you let me know if this was solved and what did you do.
@OOPer, sure.
@OOPer everything works fine now. Thank you for this.
For your comment `statusList.append(status) //<- Why this is needed?
this is the status that I receive from the server. It is usually the same Yes, no , NA but sometimes it may be different and I need to show it on the picker. Once it is appended in the list, i then run a separate method which removes the similar items from the list(if there are any).
Picker("Status", selection: currentStatus ) { ForEach(GeneralMethods().uniqueElementsFrom(array: statusList), id: \.self){ status in Text(status) } }
@OOPer please check the comment.