After several days I've found the bug! Unintentionally I started the CarPlay App on the Simulator after I started a new debug build on iPhone in Xcode. But I missed, that Xcode showed an error, so I was launching the CarPlay App without having the debug process attached to Xcode. And suddenly everything works as expected.
I can now reproduce it every time when I'm launching a new debug build from Xcode.
My workaround is to launch the new build, stop it and launch the App on CarPlay.
Anyway, debugging code is always possible so I never had the idea, that there is an issue. Only the CPNowPlayingTemplate isn't working while debugging.
No, unfortunately these are also not updated.
In Xcode go to Product -> Xcode Cloud -> Manage Workflows. Select General in the top left and find the checkbox "Restrict editing". This checkbox has to be selected to make TestFlight distribution possible.
Good morning,
I don't have any solutions at the moment but we're noticing the same problem. The error occurs on all of our extension targets like Widget, Watch Extension and NotificationService/-Content.
I downloaded the archive to compare it with a locally built target. It's missing the embedded.mobileprovision file in the app folder as well as in the plugins folder. So this was the only difference I could notice.
Also it doesn't change anything if you sign the app automatically - usually we use manual signing build settings.
I'm also interested in any recommendations.
Best Sven
Hi,I have the same issue and couldn't find any solution. I.e. I'm not able to get the navigation action when the heart icon of an embedded tweet was tapped.Did you find a solution in the meantime?BestSvenEdit:Found a solution now. I just had to implement this method of WKUIDelegate:func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures: WKWindowFeatures) -> WKWebView? {
if navigationAction.targetFrame == nil || navigationAction.targetFrame?.isMainFrame == false {
if let urlToLoad = navigationAction.request.url {
handleWebViewLink?(urlToLoad.absoluteString)// this is a closure, which is handled in another class. Nayway... here you get the url of "broken" links
return nil