




Reply to Weatherkit: Possible Values of CurrentWeatherData.conditionCode
A link to that full enumerated listing right from the conditionCode section in the REST API documentation would make things so much easier! That said, after a good bit of digging I found this page on the Swift side of the house; combining with a partial response elsewhere about leading-capitalized camel-casing values, I think this may be the answer: I believe each case string can be leading-capital-camel-cased to determine the string to expect?
Mar ’23
Reply to Weather Alert (empty JSON)
Hello. The documentation at could use updating. "countryCode" is listed as the parameter name but seems it should be "country" The country code itself apparently must be uppercase; clarifying this in the documentation would be helpful Trying to develop without these changes, one is led to believe that the data is not available, or that they are forming the request incorrectly (which is technically true, but there is no indication of an error or warning, so it becomes a head-scratcher when nothing is coming back as expected). Thank you, and hope this helps some folk out!
Mar ’23