
Post not yet marked as solved
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Hello everybody,So after days of headache and extreme *head against the wall* situations due to the following issue I believe now that this a bug not in my code but in the SDK. (Please if I am mistaking let me know)I am on MacOS 10.15.1, xcode 11.1 and iOS 13.1 if that is relevantLet me explain the problemIf I create two Symmetric Keys based on the same password and then transformed using SHA256 the following way:let pass1 = SHA256.hash(data:"password".data(using: .utf8)!.base64EncodedData()) let pass2 = SHA256.hash(data:"password".data(using: .utf8)!.base64EncodedData())let key1: SymmetricKey = SymmetricKey(data: pass1.dataRepresentation) let key2: SymmetricKey = SymmetricKey(data: pass2.dataRepresentation)I can now test if those keys are equals like so:if key1 == key2 { print("same key") }Indeed this works boths keys are detected as the same exact keyNow onto my second test (using keystore to save the key and retrieve it) I do the following:deleteKey(account: "pass2") //delete the key from the keychain in case it exists let key = SymmetricKey(data: pass2.dataRepresentation) // create a key same as step one try! storeKey(key, account: "pass2") // stores the key let keyFromKeychain: SymmetricKey = try! readKey(account: "pass2")! // retrieves the key if keyFromKeychain == key1 { print("same key again") // this is working both keys are the same }Until here everything is working as intended and it works perfectly the keys are the sameNow onto my final test, the only thing I will do is extract the line 3 and 4 from the above example into a function of its own like so:deleteKey(account: "pass2") generateSymmetricKey(password: pass2, account: "pass2") let keyFromKeychain2: SymmetricKey = try! readKey(account: "pass2")! if keyFromKeychain2 == key1 { print("same key again") } public static func generateSymmetricKey(password: SHA256Digest, account: String) { let key = SymmetricKey(data: password.dataRepresentation) try! storeKey(key, account: account) }Now once I have done that, the keys are not marked as being the same anymore...So is this a normal behavior or not ? Am I going insane for a reason ?Thank you !
by Sirae.
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