




binary archive do not work for ios16
Hi, Binary Archive works for our project very well by ios15 (iphone12promax) as below But for iOS16.2beta(generate binary archive by iphone12promax ios 16.2beta , and use it by the same device same os), it seems not very good now as below So, I want to confirm with you if this is a known issue or some thing Thank you
Nov ’22
Binary Archive do not compatible between iOS14.4 and iOS14.6 on iPhone12
Hi, Thank you for the wonderful feature. It works very well by our project. But it seems Binary Archive do not compatible between iOS14.4 and iOS14.6 on iPhone12. I know binary archive do not compatible between different chips, for example A14(iPhone12) and A15(iPhone13). But it seem they are not compatible between different iOS version even by the same divice. So, I want to confirm with you if there is a list(or release note or some thing) to tell us which OSs(MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) are compatible. Then we can record binary archive by the list. Thank you
Feb ’22
Failed to find reflection in binary archives
Thank you for the answer of Binary archive by . But I met another problem of Binary Archive, and below is the scenarios. 1.Run app and save binary archive by serializeToURL (MTLBinaryArchive). 2.Download these binary archive files, and pack them into the same app. 3.Run the app with the binary archive, some of the binary archive works fine, but some of them said "Error Domain=AGXMetalA14 Code=3 "Failed to find reflection in binary archives" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to find reflection in binary archives}" during newRenderPipelineStateWithDescriptor . For another scenarios, everything works fine. 1.Run app and save binary archive by serializeToURL (MTLBinaryArchive). 2.Run the app again with the saved binary archive.
Jan ’22
Does it possible to combine several binaryarchives with the same GPUFamily together
Hi, Thank you for the wonderful feature BinaryArchive. It really helps a lot. I want to confirm with you if there is anyway to combine several binaryarchives with the same GPUFamily together. For example, in my project, each pso will saved to a binary archive. So I got binaryArchive_1.metallib, binaryArchive_2.metallib, binary_Archive_3.metallib and so on. All of them based on GPUFamily5. I want to combine them together, for example, combine them to binary_Archive_all.metallib. But seems there is no way to do that. I have tried below command: xcrun -sdk iphoneos metal-lipo -create binaryArchive_1005.metallib binaryArchive_100514.6.metallib -o binaryArchive_all.metallib But seems it is used to combine binaryarchives with different GPUFamily. I think this feature is very important, because in games, we need to run and run, to make sure the binaryarchive is fullly enough to cover all the pso. Thanks, Shine
Nov ’21
Instrument when using binary Archive
Hi, Thank you for the wonderful feature. I just tried it by a demo project, and below is the instruments. It seems most of the part "Create MTLibrary(TestProj)" with purple color has disappeared as we expect. But some strange part “Create MTLibrary(mediaserverd)” with grey color occured. So I want to confirm with you what are these, and how to make them disappeared. Thanks, Shine
Nov ’21