




Documentation and usage of BNNS.NormalizationLayer
Hello everybody, I am running into an error with BNNS.NormalizationLayer. It appears to only work with .vector, and matrix shapes throws layerApplyFail during training. Inference doesn't throw but the output stays the same. How to correctly use BNNS.NormalizationLayer with matrix shapes? How to debug layerApplyFail exception? Thanks let array: [Float32] = [ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, ] // let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .vector(6 * 3) // works let inputShape: BNNS.Shape = .matrixColumnMajor(6, 3) let input = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) let output = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) let beta = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(0), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1) let gamma = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(repeating: Float32(1), shape: inputShape, batchSize: 1) let activation: BNNS.ActivationFunction = .identity let layer = BNNS.NormalizationLayer(type: .layer(normalizationAxis: 0), input: input, output: output, beta: beta, gamma: gamma, epsilon: 1e-12, activation: activation)! let layerInput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocate(initializingFrom: array, shape: inputShape) let layerOutput = BNNSNDArrayDescriptor.allocateUninitialized(scalarType: Float32.self, shape: inputShape) // try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .inference) // No throw try layer.apply(batchSize: 1, input: layerInput, output: layerOutput, for: .training) _ = layerOutput.makeArray(of: Float32.self) // All zeros when .inference
Jul ’24