Hi again, one thing I need to add is that we don't actually get a reason for this, just the error and an error 64 code. Thanks
Has anyone found a solution for this, or at least knows what causes this?
I've been having the same error when running UITests using xctestplan and on tvOS simulator, in combination with Fastlane:
I'm building test target and runner using this Fastlane command:
bundle exec fastlane build_for_tests SCHEME:MyScheme 'TEST_DEVICE:Apple TV 4K (3rd generation)'
which results in this xcodebuild command:
xcodebuild -scheme MyScheme -project ./MyProject.xcodeproj -derivedDataPath ./build/DerivedData -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,id=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-230D173EFEC8' build-for-testing
I then use the following Fastlane:
bundle exec fastlane run_test_plan SCHEME:MyScheme TEST_PLAN:MyTestPlan 'TEST_DEVICE:Apple TV 4K (3rd generation)' TVOS_PLATFORM:appletvsimulator TVOS_VERSION:16.4 ARCH:x86_64 TEST_WITHOUT_BUILDING:true
It generates the following:
xcodebuild -destination 'platform=tvOS Simulator,id=XXXXXXXX-165C-4A5F-XXXX-230D173EFEC8' -derivedDataPath ./build/DerivedData -resultBundlePath './fastlane/test_output/UITests.xcresult' -testPlan 'MyTestPlan' -xctestrun './build/DerivedData/Build/PATH_TO_TESTRUN/MyTestRun.xctestrun' test-without-building
Using Xcode 15.3, Sonoma 14.3.1
Thanks for any help / context (especially about that Transient Testing) :)
This was solved, there was a misconfiguration with one of the names, and also an error passing a wrong config to the tool I was using.
I've been having the same issue too. It's happening for a lot of my mock assets.
I'm getting this when running my UITests.
Did you manage to find how to stop this warning?