@Apple Staff To Confirm Apple has introduced a bug in the form of an Improperly formatted Token.
The claim "email_verified" SHOULD be of Type BOOLEAN and NOT STRING as stated with the OpenID Standard. openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
NOTE: Currently ALL Salesforce Organization their Apple Auth Provider Setup now Fails because of this and they are asking Us Users to request Apple fix their NON-Standard Id_Token format.
Is this something that can be fixed?
@Apple Staff
To Confirm Apple has introduced a bug in the form of an Improperly formatted Token.
The claim "email_verified" SHOULD be of Type BOOLEAN and NOT String as stated with the OpenID Standard.
NOTE: Currently ALL Salesforce Organization their Apple Auth Provider Setup now Fails because of this and they are asking Us Users to request Apple fix their NON-Standard Id_Token format.
Is this something that can be fixed?