




Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Guys, if you are arriving here for the first time, you are about to find out how long and hard many people have been struggling with this issue. If you are coming back here to check if there has been any progress, you are one of those people who have struggled. Either way, I don't think much will get resolved without shining a light on this issue. There is a twitter account called @hearyourdevs that has just been set up for people going through this. A website will follow. Apple's developer support infrastructure is clearly setup to deal with us as third grade citizens of their ecosystem. That has to change. I suggest following the twitter account and sharing your story there so we can organize and try and get the attention we need to continue working on our development and livelihoods. This has to change.
Nov ’20
Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Hi all, I have been stunned by the whole process that I, and many of you, have had to endure. We have been struggling to renew our developer account for 3 and a half weeks now. It has been a cause of destress to us, as like many of you, our livelihoods depend on our development. I sent the following information to Apple, hopefully some one will look into this and take this issue seriously as right now, it feels like Apple views developers like second-tier users. I hope this can be rectified. Over the past 3 and a half weeks, have tried to pay for the developer renewal with FIVE different cards: Card 1 - Apple Credit Card (U.S.) Card 2 - Wells Fargo Debt Card (U.S.) Card 3 - Absa Credit Card (South Africa) Card 4 - Discovery Debt Card - (South Africa) Card 5 - First National Bank Credit Card (South Africa) We have tried to make payment between these cards 12 times in 3 weeks.  Even my brothers Apple Credit Card has not gone through yet. We expect it to be an accepted means of payment for Apple’s own developer programs.  If you view our orders page linked to our Apple ID, it shows 11 cancelled enrollment orders and 1 current order which says ‘Enrollment Complete’. When you click on the ‘Enrollment Complete Order’, it says something has gone wrong and to contact support. Each card has sufficient funds on them. The Absa credit card is the default payment method linked to our Apple ID. We make App Store purchases with this card without issues. Why can't Apple just charge this card if it is saved to our Apple ID profile? We have contacted Apple Support on multiple occasions and have been assigned the following support case numbers: 101224361196, 101224341107, 101224333864, 101223687065, 101211232179, 101209915626, 101206863093, 20000060031657, 101224712673, 101224973875, 101224973028, 101224992486. We have only received 2 replies saying there was an issue with the financial institution.  We have called all banks and they have not seen any attempt to charge these cards, including the Apple Credit Card. I have sent through my government issued ID and the government issued ID of my partner.   There are possibly thousands of developers facing the exact same issues as one can see from this thread. Apple has been in the spotlight for a while regarding it's developer relations. I do not see how removing any means of communicating with a human via the phone, and implementing an email system that produces no results, is Apple's way of showing it appreciates its developers and the billions of dollars it generates from them every quarter in commission fees. We are helpless right now and something has to be done to highlight this issue.
Nov ’20