I created a tableview and there is a toggle in a cell, I click the toggle there will be an function in the cell's protocol, and in the implement of the function I have a logic like this:
extension NewPortfolio: PortfolioBasicInfoCellProtocol {
func privacyButtonEvent() {
if !privacyModeOn {
// basedOnFiatCur.toggle()
// let preferences = UserDefaults.standard
// preferences.set(basedOnFiatCur, forKey: "basedOnFiatCur")
// NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .toggledBaseCurFromModal, object: nil)
// UISelectionFeedbackGenerator().selectionChanged()
// mainTable.reloadData()
then compiler print:
The print function after the return is executed! can't believe this anybody know why? or this is a bug of apple?
I have a Tabbar which is created by SwiftUI, but I use different images for different status of selected Tabbar(selected and unselected), how can I do that.
I tried to change image name in
TabView1().onAppear() {
tabImageName1 = "image1_active"
tabImageName2 = "image2"
tabImageName3 = "image3"
tabImageName4 = "image4"
seems this not worked, and I think it's not so elegant, how can I change the image rightly, do we have better ways to do thing like this?
I need to create a section header for a tableview, and I don't want to create it in single Xib, I added one in storyboard, but the header need some customization, so I create a file looks like this:
class CustomizedTipsView: UITableViewHeaderFooterView {
@IBOutlet weak var tipTitle: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var tipContent: UILabel!
And I want to use the header in viewForHeaderInSection func like this:
if let header = tableView.dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(withIdentifier: "CustomizedTipsView") as? CustomizedTipsView {
header.tipTitle.text = "1"
header.tipContent.text = "2"
if I register the cell, it crash, if not, the cell always returns nil.
mainTableView.register(UINib(nibName: "CustomizedTipsView", bundle: nil), forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: "CustomizedTipsView")
//crash too
mainTableView.register(CustomizedTipsView.self, forHeaderFooterViewReuseIdentifier: "CustomizedTipsView")
Do I have to use the UITableViewCell instead of simple CustomizedTipsView for view from storyboard?
Thank you for your help!