




IOS Mobile Safari - pop up window is not accessible
Hi Working on Appium 2.11.5 xcuitest - 7.1.0 (automationName ‘XCUITest’) iOS 15.5 Safari browser In my webflow i cam across a pop window and gets the alert message as follows This site is attempting to open a pop-up window Block Allow My capabilities are set as follows capabilities.setCapability(“platformName”, IOS); capabilities.setCapability(“deviceName”, “iPhone 15 Pro”); capabilities.setCapability(“autoWebview”, TRUE_STRING); capabilities.setCapability(“autoAcceptAlerts”, true); capabilities.setCapability(MobileCapabilityType.AUTOMATION_NAME, “XCUITest”); capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, “Safari”); capabilities.setCapability(“SFSafariViewController”, true); capabilities.setCapability(“appium:includeSafariInWebviews”, true); capabilities.setCapability(“safariAllowPopups”, true); capabilities.setCapability(“waitForIdleTimeout”, 0); capabilities.setCapability(“isInspectable”, true); capabilities.setCapability(“webviewConnectTimeout”, 5000);"Before iOS capabilities … 1111111 "); So the alert disapperas automatically after few seconds and the new pop-up window opens After the new window open ideally i should have get the window size = 2 but it prints window =1. Problem But not able to identify any elements in the new pop up window. While looking for an element in the new pop up window it throws element not found exception … and timed out while waiting for the element to be visible. As presented in the screen … how to avoid or click on Allow button in the given pop up. The pou up eventually get closed after some time. But the new window opens up is not accessible. The new window opens is not accessible and elements are not identifyable
Oct ’24