




Issue with AirPod connectivity with Watch app
Hello, Our beta testers have recently had issues connecting their AirPods to the Apple Watch. We have a AVAudioSession in the watch app, and have set up workout etc. regular Bluetooth headphones have no issues and we can see the connection through the AVAudioSession.routeChangeNotification on them, but not AirPods for some reason? Any one with an idea of what may cause this? Thank you
Apr ’22
Capabilities on standalone WatchKit-app
Hello and thank you for reading I am trying to run audio in the background on my WatchKit app, I have added mindfulness - audio to the background modes in the extended target and initiated WKExtendedRuntimeSession. The issue occurs when I try to open the "standalone" WatchKit App from the watch. When running the app from Xcode, debug or release the app behaves perfectly. What I have concluded so far, after days of testing, is that this issue seems to be connected to capabilities in the targets of the project. Is there a way of adding capabilities to the target "WatchKit" or does that only work on WatchKit Extension? And if this is the wrong route, how would one go about when trying to play audio in the background on the standalone app? I am pretty new to Xcode and Swift so please let me know if you believe I am off in the wrong direction here. Thank you
Jan ’21