This is still an issue. Has there been an update on this behavior?
Same issue here. Entitlements, association file validation, keychain all working. Strong password suggestion is broken with the same error as others. Is there any response from Apple on this? Has anyone found a fix for this? I've seen this issue on here and on Stack without any resolution. Is this just a problem with iOS 14.0+? I tested this in Safari and it works as expected when signing up for a new account on a website (Amazon new user).
Has this issue been updated yet? This is still happening.
"[AutoFill] Cannot show Automatic Strong Passwords for app bundleID: ***.***.***.*** due to error: Cannot identify the calling app's process. Check teamID and bundleID in your app's application-identifier entitlement"
apple-app-site-association is fine, Keychain is working, file passes Apple validator, keys for both development and TestFlight version. File is getting downloaded from server when app is installed. Just can't get the password suggestion to work.