




Reply to XCode Slow After Big Sur update
I have the same problem… it's really annoying πŸ˜• Interestingly, I don't have problems after I turn Wi-Fi off πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ I can't always do it (i.e. when loading packages), but now I have to do it most of the time if I want to work properly. I hope it'll help you, and I hope next update will fix this.
Mar ’21
Reply to SwiftUI Preview don't work in Package with dependencies
I have the same problem, and it's quite annoying πŸ˜• As a workaround, I use the package as a local dependency in a full app project. Here is the tip: I created a PreviewTester PreviewProvider, in which I reference a preview I want to see (requires to make it public, which I don't like at all, but I just don't commit it). struct PreviewTester: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { YourView_Previews.previews } } Then I start the preview, pin it, and edit the view in the package source file.
Jul ’21
Reply to Xcode 13.2 Instantiating CLLocationButton crashes in Simulator
Just a quick answer before I post a long one: I also stumbled upon this problem, and I managed to create a Minimal Reproductible Example. I'm going to create a GitHub repository with information and all, but basically the steps are: (Running XCode Version 13.2.1 (13C100)) Create a fresh SwiftUI app Edit the main App to match import SwiftUI import CoreLocationUI @main struct CLLocationButtonTesterApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { LocationButton(action: {}) } } } Run the app β†’ no problem Create an empty file Add French localization to the app Add French localization to the file (you can even remove any other *.lproj folder) Run the app β†’ you get Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: width && height' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException CoreSimulator 783.5 - Device: iPhone 13 (B8BF9672-9A4F-4E59-83EC-4844992B74C4) - Runtime: iOS 15.2 (19C51) - DeviceType: iPhone 13 Tip: Clean the build folder between each test, otherwise you might encounter caching issues πŸ˜‰
Dec ’21