Thanks, Greg. Can you please say, how the parameter coordinateSpace in SpatialTapGesture influences the values obtained? I tried your solution with .local, .global, and .immersiveSpace, and obtained each time different coordinate values.
I have a visionOS app that shows an immersive space. All my ModelEntities are programmatically created. I tried your code, but my entities have as property scene always nil, so I cannot use your code. How is the scene property set?
Did you manage to capture a Perspective Camera View? I have the same problem, see here. It would be great it you could share a solution.
Hi Greg,
thanks for this suggestion, but I have 2 questions:
Since visionOS has a PerspectiveCamera (documented in visionOS 1.0+), how can one access the output of this camera? I cannot imagine that one can define a camera without a way to get access to its output. But if this is currently really the case, please confirm it, and I will write a bug report. My guess is that visionOS should make ARView not completely unavailable; it should allow it only with camera mode non AR.
I looked up the docu for RealityRenderer. It says it is "A renderer that displays a RealityKit scene in an existing Metal workflow." What is an existing Metal workflow (I don't have experience in Metal programming). How do I set up the RealityRenderer, and how do I use its output to display it in a 2D SwiftUI window in a immersive space? The current docu is nearly non-existent. Is there an Apple suggestion how to use it?
Thanks for confirming the problem, and for the workaround. I filed a bug report (FB15152333).
I submitted bug report FB15344435
Thanks for the suggestion to use hitTest. However, it does not work in my case.
Here is an example view:
The scene has 2 entities, a board and a vehicle. If I use your code and tap the corners of the board (sequence front left, back left, back right, front right), I get the positions
SIMD3<Float>(1.4597505, 0.02, -4.9677944)
SIMD3<Float>(1.4252294, 0.02, -2.2314916)
SIMD3<Float>(-1.4423977, 0.02, -2.1940436)
SIMD3<Float>(-1.4726961, 0.02, -4.962293).
If I tap the vehicle, I get the position
SIMD3<Float>(-1.138767, 0.09374983, -4.1757255)
This shows that the returned positions are not local to the tapped entity (as it is required in my case) but local to the current view.
Here is the code how the board and a vehicle are added to the scene. I removed everything that is to my mind not essential. I hope this makes sense to you.
struct ImmersiveView: View {
@Environment(\.realityKitScene) var scene: RealityKit.Scene?
@Environment(AppModel.self) private var appModel: AppModel
@State private var realityContent = RealityContent()
var body: some View {
RealityView { content, attachments in
appModel.scene = scene
let initialEntities = realityContent.setUpContent(boardDimensions: boardDimensions,
boardPosition_m: boardPosition_m,
appModel: appModel)
initialEntities.forEach { content.add($0) }
update: { content, attachments in
guard let boardEntity = content.entities.filter({ $ == boardEntityName }).first as? ModelEntity else { return }
realityContent.updateVehicles(boardEntity: boardEntity,
vehicles: appModel.vehicles,
boardTopFaceSize_m: appModel.boardTopFaceSize_m)
struct RealityContent {
func setUpContent(boardDimensions: BoxSize, boardPosition_m: SIMD3<Float>, appModel: AppModel) -> Set<Entity> {
var entities: Set<Entity> = []
entities.insert(makeBoardEntity(boardDimensions: boardDimensions, boardPosition_m: boardPosition_m, fields: appModel.fields))
return entities
func makeBoardEntity(boardDimensions: BoxSize, boardPosition_m: SIMD3<Float>, fields: Set<Field>) -> Entity {
// Define geometry
let boardWidth = Float(boardDimensions.x_width.m)
let boardHeight = Float(boardDimensions.y_height.m)
let boardDepth = Float(boardDimensions.z_depth.m)
let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(width: boardWidth,
height: boardHeight,
depth: boardDepth,
splitFaces: true)
// Define materials
let (materials, textureImage) = makeBoardMaterials(boardDimensions: boardDimensions, fields: fields)
// Make entity
let boardEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: materials) = boardEntityName
// Add a custom texture image component. This is required to get the pixel color after a ray cast hit the board.
boardEntity.components[TextureImageComponent.self] = TextureImageComponent(textureImage: textureImage)
// Position the board
boardEntity.transform.translation = boardPosition_m
// Allow to tap the board
boardEntity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)
// Add the board entity to the reality content and return it
return boardEntity
func updateVehicles(boardEntity: ModelEntity, vehicles: Set<Vehicle>, boardTopFaceSize_m: CGSize) {
let vehicleEntity = makeVehicleEntity(vehicle: vehicle, boardTopFaceSize_m: boardTopFaceSize_m)
transformVehicle(boardEntity: boardEntity,
vehicleEntity: vehicleEntity,
boardTopFacePosition_m: vehicle.onBoardPosition_m,
orientation: vehicle.orientation,
animated: false)
// Add the new entity to the board
func transformVehicle(boardEntity: ModelEntity,
vehicleEntity: ModelEntity,
boardTopFacePosition_m: CGPoint,
orientation: Angle,
animated: Bool) {
// Position the vehicle on the board.
// The y offset relative to the board is board thickness / 2 + half of the vehicle height.
let halfVehicleHeight_ = vehicleEntity.model!.mesh.bounds.extents.y / 2.0
let halfVehicleHeight_m = halfVehicleHeight_ * vehicleEntity.scale.y
let halfBoardThickness_m = Float(boardDimensions.y_height.m) / 2.0
let yOffset_m = halfVehicleHeight_m + halfBoardThickness_m
// Move the vehicle to the right position and turn it to the right direction
let scale = vehicleEntity.scale
let translation = SIMD3<Float>(Float(boardTopFacePosition_m.x), yOffset_m, Float(boardTopFacePosition_m.y))
let rotationY = simd_quatf(angle: Float(orientation.radians), axis: SIMD3(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0))
let transform = Transform(scale: scale, rotation: rotationY, translation: translation)
// Move the vehicle with the right orientation to the right position.
if animated {
animatedMove(boardEntity: boardEntity,
vehicleEntity: vehicleEntity,
transform: transform,
duration: slowEvolutionTimeStep)
} else {
vehicleEntity.transform = transform
This iOS code nearly works in my case. However, there are 2 problems:
If I tap the front left corner of the board (see screenshot above), I get
localPosition: SIMD3<Float>(1.4599041, 0.02, -1.4540071)
Assuming a coordinate system where x goes towards right, y towards up, and z towards the observer, the y and z values are correct, but the x value should be its negative.
If I attach a child entity to the board (see above) and tap the child, I get (depending on the child position relative to the parent) e.g.
localPosition: SIMD3<Float>(627.7879, 6.9999986, 325.40625)
which is no valid coordinate relative to the child, no to the parent.
Maybe you chould try to verify this in your setup.
Thank you for providing your code. I found the following:
In my demo, the board is added directly to the reality content, while the vehicle is added as a child to the board.
When I tap the board, the board entity's parent is some coreEntity, probably something like the root node of SceneKit. Getting the 3D position using
let localPoint3D_m = value.entity.convert(position: scenePosition, from: value.entity.parent)
gives the same as using
let localPoint3D_m = value.entity.convert(position: scenePosition, from: nil)
Now, if I tap the vehicle,
let localPoint3D_m = value.entity.convert(position: scenePosition, from: value.entity.parent)
gives some strange coordinate values, e.g.
(SIMD3<Float>) (473.135803, 7.00000191, -524.761536)
let localPoint3D_m = value.entity.convert(position: scenePosition, from: nil)
(SIMD3<Float>) (5.38323975, 7.00000191, -3.98590088)
None of these values makes any sense to me.
Currently, I do need only the position tapped on the board, and your solution provides it (despite of the not understood minus sign). When I tap the vehicle, I do not need the tapped position on the vehicle, only the tapped entity. So this is now OK with me.
Maybe it is the best to wait until RealityKit for iOS has been extended by the missing functions.
Thanks a lot for all your work.