Hi @mikeytwice, sorry for delay. Adding myself to wheel group did not help. So far, I have been executing "su " every time I log in.
Today, I did two things.
(1) Upgraded to 14.5
(2) Executed the steps given in the first response of this thread (https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/admin-user-on-ventura-can-t-install-mac-os-updates/m-p/296333). But this was executed as the local admin (instead of Mobile Admin account).
Not sure which, but one of them fixed it. But it is fixed.
However, I find that I have to do "su " every time I log in. Then I found the folder "/Volumes/<>/System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100" has the access as "drwx------ root wheel". This could be the reason why spotlight and smart folders are not working.
I added my account to the "wheel" user group. I'll update if this solves the issue with the user of "su ".