Hello Team, My project based on the CAN2BLE protocol. Here we are communicating with devices using Protobuf framework (https://github.com/apple/swift-protobuf). While communicating with device below having some observation
Below iOS 16 MTU Size (iOS 12...15.6.1)
MTU Size Without Response: 244
In iOS 16 MTU Size
MTU Size Without Response: 20
Observation : First time in iOS 16 getting MTU Size Without Response 244, but in second time it will give size 20, but after restarting the device. First time it will gives MTU size 244 from next time MTU size 20. This will happen again and again. Due to this issue my app not geeting data form BLE device.
Please let me know, if you need more data on the same.
While writing data in BLE device connection loss happened in between BLE device and application (file size is 459 KB, the file type is .bin). It's happened particularly in iOS 14.7.1 and above. iOS 14.6 and before iOS, it will work fine.
It observes that MTU size is also different in iOS 14.4 and iOS 14.7.
When disconnection happened CoreBluetooth -> centralManager: didDisconnectPeripheral delegate method call.
Divide bin file data into 1024 chunk sizes and write data into BLE device as per receive MTU size (MTU - 3)
Is any string that needs to add for iOS 14.7 and above or what should I needs to check.