




Why does calling AVCapturePhotoOutput.capturePhoto freeze preview(AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.captureOutput)
I am using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to capture each frame from camera capture. I display these frame to MTKView. that's fine. If I call AVCapturePhotoOutput.capturePhoto, the delegate function AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.captureOutput will be paused, so that my preview had a little freezed, that's very bad. I don't know if I do something wrong cause this? this is my capturePhoto code: func createTakePhotoSettingForNormalPhoto() - AVCapturePhotoSettings { var settings: AVCapturePhotoSettings settings.isHighResolutionPhotoEnabled = true return settings } func takePhoto() { settings = createTakePhotoSettingForNormalPhoto() settings.flashMode = ... _outputStillImage.capturePhoto(with: settings, delegate: self) } I noticed that if I tap shot button repeatly and quickly in IOS native Camera APP, it will have a black flash at each shot, but the preview also could display frame smoothly.
Mar ’21
in Metal, how to sync calculate result in kernel function?
I want use Metal kernel function to calculate histogram of a video frame(texture) some code in kernel function like this float gray = grayScale(rgbValue); int histogramIndex = int(clamp(gray, 0.0, 1.0) * 255); histogram[histogramIndex] += 1; it works, but there was some mistake, I sum up every item value in array histogram, the sum result is not equals to my texture pixel count. it's always less than total pixel count. so I think there must be a multi-thread sync problem. so how could I sync the kernel function? I know MPS provided a MPSImageHistogram to do this, It works well, I just want to calculate histogram on my pipeline. Thanks
Mar ’21