I saw a little too late that the project is supposed to be run under MacOS 12. Does anyone get it to work under Big Sur (11.4) ?
Hello Everyone,
In the example code, I'm trying to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius, but I'm not succeeding. Output is always in Fahrenheit. My code is this:
func formattedTemperature(_ temp: Measurement<UnitTemperature>) -> String {
let tempC = temp.converted(to: .celsius)
return tempC.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .weather))
In the simulator I also went into the settings and switched in General->Language/Region from F to C. But this also had not effect.
Would anyone have an idea how to correct this?
Thanks and best regards,
Hi there,
Thanks for the great tutorial for WorkoutKit, that can be found here: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10016/
In my view
Text(scheduledWorkout.plan.workout.activity.displayName) in
SamplePlannerView.swift (the main view)
does not show the correct string. For example for the running workout, it should show: "New Running Workout". This string is set in WorkoutStore.swift. However, it shows "Outdoor Running", which is the type of workout but not the display name that was given to it.
Best regards,
Dear All,
Is there a way to remove a workout? In the tutorial app, it is shown how to schedule workouts. But so far, I haven't seen a way to remove them again, neither from the tutorial app nor from the workouts app on the watch.
Many thanks and best regards,