




Reply to "an error occurred trying to capture leaks data"
@kacperh It's still broken.EDIT:Actually it's worse now. Before, SOMETIMES it would show the app loading screen for a brief time (even though no code would run).Now it instantly fails every time.If launched in Allocations:> An error occurred trying to capture Allocations data.If launched in Leaks:> An error occurred trying to capture Allocations data.No matter what this is all I get. It happens in Xcode 10.3, 11.3, and all betas of 11.4.I am assuming this is a problem specific to Catalina since I had no problems prior to updating to Catalina.From other research I did, someone suggested this could be due to a provisioning profile or signing problem. But this is an Apple product—it should just work. I have no problems building and running the app in general.The only other thing I could think of is that I have Sentinel One endpoint security installed, as well as CrowdStrike Falcon and GlobalProtect. Is there any way in which any of these products could be interfering? I noticed that the Xcode 11.4 beta 2 patch notes said something about "certain" third-party endpoint security packages causing issues with the simulator etc. Please advise.UPDATE:Here are some of the errors from my console:default18:26:46.598314-0800kernelLibrary load (/Users/O.G/Develop/ios/DerivedData/OurApp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/OurFramework.framework/OurFramework) rejected: Library load disallowed by System Policymemorystatus_control(MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_GET_MEMLIMIT_PROPERTIES, 67221) failed: using 0/1, 0/1Port death watcher validity check error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-67050 "(null)"The signing certificate and provisioning profile were refreshed and the problem still did not go away. I honestly believe the problem is that our app has over 50 framework dependencies and takes too long to launch, resulting in Instruments giving up on it. I say this, because I have once or twice gotten the app to launch with Instruments, and a freshly created test app worked fine with Instruments. Either that or there is some kind of gatekeeper-related issue around loading frameworks? I don't know. Happy to provide more logs if it would help, never had this problem prior to 10.15.3.
Mar ’20
Reply to "an error occurred trying to capture leaks data"
Yes I am using Xcode 11.4 Beta 3, Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 Instruments.As for "iOS 11.4 simulator" -- do you mean iOS 13.4...? Or do you want me to try it on the old iOS 11.4 simulator?It never works with iOS 11.4 simulator.With iOS 13.4 simulator it does not work the first couple of times, but on the third or fourth try it finally starts working.If I use a dummy app instead of our huge app, then it seems to work every time. Our huge app however has over 50 frameworks that load at runtime and I think that maybe it takes too long? Not sure.BTW You can't see my post because it says it's in moderation. No idea why, maybe because I pasted logs into it?
Mar ’20
Reply to "an error occurred trying to capture leaks data"
The question is, why doesn't Xcode 11.3 or 10.3 work with their respective versions of Instruments anymore?Is this 10.15.3 Catalina being a **** about stuff? I'm on the verge of disabling SIP and deleting any files related to gatekeeper out of my System volume if this kind of thing keeps up.I will see if I can find the time to do a sysdiagnose and all that.I mean, I just want to know why this is happening. Even vaguely. If I knew that much, then at least I could have a chance of helping to figure out a solution.But there is so much constant, irrelevant spam in the macOS console, how can you ever find the legit warnings?Why is it like that?Incidentally I also cannot make in-memory graphs of programs anymore. The connection gets dropped or something.
Mar ’20
Reply to "an error occurred trying to capture leaks data"
When trying to do a memory graph on a pre-iOS 13 simulator I get:“Memory Graph Debugger: no serialized memory graph received from LeakAgent” error when using Xcode Memory Graph DebuggerCorresponding with these console log messages :LeakAgent - Failed to create CSSymbolicatorRef for pid 23018 AppNameLeakAgent - *** task_malloc_get_all_zones: can't get target task symbolicatorI believe the bug is with the pre-iOS 13 simulators and Catalina. Please fix!(This stackoverflow confirms:
Mar ’20
Reply to Execution policy exception registration failed with Jenkins on Catalina
Having the same issues. @jan98 updating to a beta of Xcode 12 is not an acceptable solution. This is ridiculous! Y'know developers have long been opposed to many of the new "security" restrictions being put into place, since all it does is makes hassles for developers and users. Malware authors just code around it. You need to post an Xcode 11 update to fix this or tells us how we can simply disable whatever system daemon is killing our processes. Because this is ridiculous.
Aug ’20
Reply to What are the proper macOS Security & Privacy that should be granted for Xcode to work properly on CI with Jenkins and Fastlane?
Note: when we see Aug 16 14:49:57 Mac-102[42746] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 13.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/dyld_sim, error = 2: No such file or directory, I checked and the file does indeed exist.
Aug ’20
Reply to Income from App and Unemployment
I want to release the app both on the Android marketplace and IOS store but I am fearful that the income will affect my unemployment benefits.  Does anyone know if this is the case? Or would this count as freelance income? Hi, I've been through exactly what you're going through (except I was in Oregon). Your first step is to consult an attorney. Visit New York Bar Association affordable referral at There you can get a 30 minute consultation for only $35. I guarantee it will be the best $35 that you'll spend this year. Click on "Labor and Employment" to get started. Ask the attorney your question, because only an attorney can properly answer this kind of question. Don't take the advice of someone from an internet forum. Not sure how NY works, but you can get in serious legal trouble if you misreport incomes during unemployment. BTW: congratulations on teaching yourself how to make apps. I also did this exactly, back in the days before Swift or ARC. So I know how much time and effort, trial and error, hair-pulling, Stackoverflowing, Apple-documentation-cursing, header-reading, and refactoring is involved. You should be very proud of yourself and see this as the first of many steps in a long journey that, I promise, leads to great things.
Sep ’20