




Comment on Missing Fundamental something
One thing clear is that your predicate does not satisfy the requirement documented. Maybe you have some experiences implementing functions like min and max, and your mind is bound to such experiences. Free yourself from experiences, any frameworks or libraries might not work as you experienced.
Oct ’21
Comment on Deleted Table View Cell Copying Remaining Tableview Cell Instead of Disappearing
@jkspiezio, thanks for clarifying. Can you try creating a project which can reproduce the issue, but not using Firebase thing? Unless your code is doing something obviously wrong (and in this case, it is not), it is hard to say something sure with just seeing the code. By the way, you should better show your latest code, as editing old post is quite limited, you may need to use Your Answer to show some updates to your question.
Oct ’21
Comment on SwiftUI slider step broken since iOS 15
Will it really help if I post more code? > In many cases, especially to readers who want to run the code and see what is happening, it is more appealing. The feedback assistant is a little black holeish. > The responses to feedback is far from satisfactory, and sharing some bug info may be useful for many developers, but the right way to push Apple to fix bugs is writing feedbacks.
Oct ’21
Comment on Objective C to Swift with CoreData and Cloud Documents
Thanks for trying and sharing the new code. But I cannot find any critical issues with a glance. But, anyway, if your newly built Objective-C app runs as expected, your Swift version of the app should also work (if you correctly implement all things in your Objective-C code), even though NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey was deprecated long ago. Have you checked all the ids and the names are the same in Objective-C project and Swift project?
Oct ’21