




Reply to xcodebuild linking error fille cannot be open()ed, errno=2
[quote='809102022, oiuhr, /thread/766182?answerId=809102022#809102022, /profile/oiuhr'] os-only project re-generated every time by Tuist and all code in Swift Packages under version 5.10 [/quote] @oiuhr I thought the problem wouldn’t come from Tuist, but the fact you’re having a similar issue and you’re using Tuist makes me wondering now. Can you tell me which version of Tuist you’re using ? I’ll reach out to the Tuist team.
Oct ’24
Reply to xcodebuild linking error fille cannot be open()ed, errno=2
Sorry for the misunderstanding, my bad. When I wrote the post, the files were here. Then I tried again cleaning everything, compiled again, then the files were missing. I forgot to specify that in my previous comment ^^ I realized that sometimes the error message changes slightly. Instead of showing these four files, it’d only show some of them. For example, I just modified the file Router.swift. Compiled again and the error message became : File cannot be open()ed, errno=2 path=/Users/MyUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-euxwyncffackymerzuntbjccezyq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ in '/Users/MyUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-euxwyncffackymerzuntbjccezyq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/' Yes I ran the test and it compiled properly.
Oct ’24
Reply to Xcode 16 build fails randomly with
I’m getting the same error as well with Xcode 16 and Swift 6, with also other files showing the same error : MyApp.abi.json MyApp.swiftdoc MyApp.swiftmodule MyApp.swiftsourceinfo Cleaning the project, removing the derived data, deleting every external dependencies and re-fetching them didn’t change anything.
Oct ’24
Reply to Xcode 14 and proxies
@eskimo, can you link the issue 36287120 please ? I can't find it. I already tried using SwiftPM from the command line, but it doesn't solve the problem. For example, even though I run successfully xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -scmProvider system from the command line, it's not picked up by xcode. Therefore Xcode isn't able to compile my app... When looking into the derived data, the command line produces a different folder than Xcode, which explains why it's not linked to Xcode. Am I missing something ? I don't find anything in xcodebuild's documentation that would mention anything else about resolvePackageDependencies.
Nov ’22
Reply to Any update on Xcode proxy settings?
I'd love to know as well. I still can't believe there are no proper way for Xcode to use the system settings or a custom settings through preferences.... The workaround that consist to change the java exec doesn't work anymore as it's been removed in Xcode 14. Set the JAVA_TOOL_OPTION variable neither... You know there are, unfortunately, loads of people that have to work behind a company proxy ?
Sep ’22
Reply to Does background app refresh have an effect on a background URLSession?
So thanks to this thread -, I finally found an answer. See Quinn's response below : iOS 13 introduces new behaviour (r. 47718087) whereby, if the user has turned Background App Refresh off in Settings — either globally or for your app, assuming it has this setting — your app won’t be resumed (or relaunched) when the tasks complete in an NSURLSession background session. That is, your session will behave as if sessionSendsLaunchEvents were set to false.
Jan ’21