




Comment on Xcode 14 and supporting macOS 10.9 - 10.12
With Xcode 14.1, there is indeed a warning that only 10.13 and newer is supported. But it can still build a project even if the deployment target is 10.10. Until now I used the older Xcode 13 to upload my apps to App Store Connect, assuming that doing so with Xcode 14.1 would automatically raise the minimum supported macOS version shown on the App Store. But I just uploaded an app update with Xcode 14.1 and the app still shows macOS 10.10 and newer on the App Store.
Nov ’22
Comment on Creating SCNGeometryElement with SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.polygon always causes error
You have an Apple logo beside your username. I understand that you are from Apple. If this is the case, I would invite you to file an enhancement request yourself, or discuss it with your colleagues directly. I think it is more efficient than asking external developers to file enhancement requests. If you don't have enough motivation to fix such things without someone pushing you from the outside, then I don't think someone who reads an anonymous enhancement request would be more motivated than you. After the little attention I got after filing literally thousands of enhancement requests, I have stopped completely because it is not worth my time.
May ’22
Comment on Why does Apple not mark solved bugs as solved?
I've already filed a bug report months or years ago, I don't remember exactly, but never got a response. Why should it be up to us to keep track of what's solved and what not? After all, for some of them I get a response asking to verify if it still happens in the newest OS release, so they have a mechanism for tracking what they are working on. I don't know about you, but checking regularly if any of the thousands of bug reports that I filed have been solved would take many days (I actually did this last January, during the holidays). I would have thought that since we're helping them in finding bugs in their products it shouldn't be our burden to keep checking them. How inefficient that would be!
Nov ’21