The app is not crashing at all, but the call to the shell tool is not beeing executed. There is no error message for the user and even so that I test
let task = Process()
let errorPipe = Pipe()
task.standardError = errorPipe
let errorData = errorPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
the error pipe is empty. See (I had to apply some changes as XCode comand line tools don't offer ps2pdf anymore and macposrts Ghostscript is installed under a different path on Sonoma!).
Here are the 2 console logs, that I managed to retrieve by installing Sonoma on an external drive and starting from there. As I mentioned before under my Ventura development environment the Sandboxed app works and the log is similar to the non sandboxed version below.
Here it is ok!
And here the sandboxed version that fails:
The crucial point seams to be the console message launch path not accessible.