I don't really understand what they explained on how to add an item to the menu with a function (who does the function returns the UIMenu to?, where do I get the Range or the suggestedActions from?), perhaps because I'm using SwiftUI. Right now I'm using:
UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [UIMenuItem(title: "Search" , action: #selector(webView.search))]
to add an item to the context menu of my WKWebView. what is the equivalent of that with UIEditMenuInteraction?
For some reason Disclosure Groups stoped animating on open and close when using the new Xcode 14 (downloaded today). is there a solution for this?
seems to happen when using the "isExpanded:" parameter.
DisclosureGroup with "isExpanded" with a @State variable is working fine on iPhone and iPad but makes the Mac app unresponsive. removing the "isExpanded" parameter fixes the issue but I lose that functionality. Does anyone know of this issue and have a solution or a workaround?