




statusInfo field in CMAbsoluteAltitudeData
Hello, When sometimes have bad values when reading the AbsoluteAltitude of the Watch. I'm running WatchOS 10.2 and it seems to be a new issue/bug. When I print out the debugDescription of the received data, I got a statusInfo field at 0 when it works, and at 2 when not. But I didn't find any explanation of the value nor how to access it. // OK: 0 Optional(AbsoluteAltitude: 223.266052, Accuracy: 6.944067, Precision 0.500000, statusInfo: 0, timestamp :726142069.230969) // NOT OK: 2 Optional(AbsoluteAltitude: 121.610824, Accuracy: 3.156758, Precision 5.000000, statusInfo: 2, timestamp :726152607.239057) Have someone experienced similar issues or now what this field is for? Thx and greetings!
Jan ’24
require Absolute Altitude barometer
Hello, Didn't found any answer yet, so trying here. I'm building an WarchOS (iOS soon) app that requires an Absolute Altitude data from the CMAltimeter. I can check the presence of it at runtime with isAbsoluteAltitudeAvailable(), but I don't want the users to be frustrated being not able to run the app once installed. I looked about UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities (The device-related features that your app requires to run), but didn't found a way to require this "always on" altimeter feature. Another possibility would be to restrict the installation to the most recent devices like Apple Watch 6 or Apple Watch SE, 7, 8, and Ultra. Same for the iPhones, only allow the few most recent models. Any ideas how to filter that. Greetings!
Sep ’22