
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
I understand what happens.  If it can be useful to anyone ...  For my UIViewControllers I use custom margins that take into account the minimum width of a scene.  I take this value like this:  var minSceneWidth:CGFloat = 400 scenes.forEach { windowScene in if let w = windowScene.sizeRestrictions?.minimumSize.width { if minSceneWidth > w { minSceneWidth = w } } } Since the latest version of macOS the value "minimumSize.width" seems to be also "0" and this is not good for the calculation of my margins.  Thank you all.
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
We ended up signing everything manually following these steps:1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.2. Select Identifiers3. Select iOS app that you are trying to catalyze from.4. Enable "Mac" and Save.5. Go to Devices6. Check if your Mac is added or add it7. Go to Profiles8. Create a "iOS App Development" provisioning profile using the previous App ID.9. Create a "macOS App Development" provisioning profile using the previous App ID10. Open XCode and select the target to catalyze11. Enable Mac in General Tab12. Go to Signin & Capabilities13. Uncheck "Automatically manage signing"14. Select iOS App Development Provisioning Profile under iOS platform15. Select macOS App Development Provisioning Profile under macOS platform16. Build and runThis worked for us!