Won't INSearchForMediaIntent help in solving this ?
Have tried integrating this in the app but Siri is not recognising the search phrase.
Search phrase - "Search (placeholder) in (myApp)"
Using the AppIntents, we need to define AppEnums which opens the app only when it exactly matches with the placeholder.
Is there any sample code for INSearchForMediaIntent and its usage ?
Tried the above approach but still the Search is not getting recognised.
For testing purpose, had added INPlayMediaIntent and Siri is able to recognise the Play phrase and tries to open the app.
Is there any other way to make it work ?
While debugging the logs in console application, observed that while using Search pharse with Spotify/Youtube , it was going through this thread -
(17:27:16.545403+0530 runningboardd executeLaunchRequest)
and finally uses
UIIntentForwardingAction to open the app.
Also wanted to understand how the app opens(basically the lifecycle) when we speak a generic phrase like (Open XYZ)
because the AppDelegate's/SceneDelegate lifecycle methods were not getting called.
Hi Team,
Any update on this query ?