Yes, I had requested access for the entitlement and this capability has been correctly added to the app identifier additional capabilities in the developer account for the correct bundleID.
In the project, I can see the proper capabilities have been added without any issue.
But still when running the project from the Parent Device I am still facing this issue when selection of apps is getting done from the FamilyPicker Activity :
FamilyActivitySelection(includeEntireCategory: true, applicationTokens: Set([]), categoryTokens: Set([]), webDomainTokens: Set([]))
Is there any other things that can cause that from the Guardian/Parent devices? (From the child device we get the App Token and the Set is not empty)
Also, something worth mentioning is that the .onChange is not getting called. I got the result from the MyModel class which subscribes to it.
From the documentation the onChange() method should be called after the Done button been selected
Did someone manage to solve that issue? I am still facing this one on iOS 15.4 public version.
Indeed I am not able to see Websites control on iOS 15.4. But are you able to get the selected Apps and Categories from the callback after selection or an empty Set[] ?
Because it seems that it is also an issue from this Family Picker Activity.
I have a good news.
After testing on iOS 16 Public Beta, this issue is now fixed. App Tokens are now given within the familyActivityPicker callback.