I've spent some time digging into how this works. Here's what I've found so far:
The endpoint for the notifications can have any path desired. It's a POST request sending JSON. HTTPS is required. There is no authentication. Events are sent as signed JWTs using the OIDC JWS keys for verification.
The body is a simple json structure:
{ "payload": "<event Token>" }
Event Token Structure
"iss": "https://appleid.apple.com",
"aud": "<app id>",
"exp": 1611852260,
"iat": 1611765860,
"jti": "<token id string>",
"events": "<Event String>"
The aud field will be the corresponding backend App ID for the source of the emission.
The events field is stringified json. So far I've only seen a single object, but based on the name an array doesn't seem impossible.
General Event Structure
	"type": "<event type>",
	"sub": "<apple user id>",
	"event_time": 1611765847700
Some event types have additional fields.
Event Types
Here are the events I've received so far.
Sent when user enabled receiving email from service.
Additional Fields: email - user's email
is_private_email - is the email an apple email proxy email.
Sent when a user disables email sending through the proxy.
Additional Fields: email - user's email
is_private_email - is the email an apple email proxy email.
Sent when consent for using the application is revoked.
No additional fields.
I had to ensure the backend supported a form_post response mode, & specify the email scope in the request.