I see, this makes sense for the way it is implemented, too. i just thought it was strange at first as I was retrieving Apple Watch made routes and i expected that variable to be populated since GPS trackers usually hand out ellipsoidal, not geoid altitudes.
Thank you for the library suggestion, very helpful!
So I found the answer after digging a bit... it turns out that
functions that work with CoreData items should perform on the same
thread as the one assigned to the CoreData context. To do this the view
context has a perform method: the add, remove, duplicate and move functions must all do their stuff inside this.
So, for example, the move method must be edited as such:
func move(from oldIndex: IndexSet, to newIndex: Int) {
// This guarantees that the edits are performed in the same thread as the CoreData context
managedObjectContext.perform {
var revisedItems: [Song] = songs.map({$0})
revisedItems.move(fromOffsets: oldIndex, toOffset: newIndex)
for reverseIndex in stride(from: revisedItems.count-1, through: 0, by: -1) {
revisedItems[reverseIndex].id = Int64(reverseIndex)
Probably the SetlistsView got to work on the same thread as CoreData
and the SongsView on another, hence the reason for the different