




Invalid Code Signature Mac App
Our game is build with Unity 3d (Version 2020.2) after building in unity, then again in XCode the build works perfectly fine on the machine I'm using. I then Archive the project, and attempt to distribute the app using the development option so our QA can test it before submission. After export and uploading to dropbox, when our QA downloads the app they get an error saying the app needs to be updated and the attached crash log says that there is an invalid code signature on the UnityPlayer.dylib as well as .app/Content/MacOS When I download the same app on the machine I built it on, I get an error that says Apple cannot detect if it is malicious, but if I right click and go to Open I can run the app just fine on that machine. I've double checked that the devices UDID's are in the Development provisioning profile and that I'm using the proper development Certificate for signing, as I tested multiple variations of certificates and profiles all with the same result. We can't do a Development ID option as our app is for the Arcade and needs Game Center and Cloud Kit which from everything I've read Development ID distributed apps do not have access to these capabilities.
Feb ’21