




Cinema 4D to Reality Composer Pro
Hello Dev team, 3 weeks I'm looking for how I can export a static Cinema 4D objects WITH TEXTURES to Reality Composer Pro ! I can export it directly on USDA format and it works well for the 3D model in Reality Composer Pro, BUT, I can't have the textures on my model. My model is simple not colored ! Of course I expect to have textures applied on the good place and same appearance I've in Cinema 4D. Could you give me a process to do that please ? I'm using Cinema 4D R25 and Last XCode and Reality Composer Pro beta versions. Big big thanks to the one could help me on this. It will unblock many things to me!!!! Cheers Mathis
Aug ’24
Vision Pinch 3D Object
Hello Guys, I'm looking for how to look at the 3D object around me, pinch it (from far with eyes and 2 fingers, not touch them) and display a little information on top of it (like little text). If you have the solution you will make me happy (and a bit less stupid too :) ) Cheers Mathis
Aug ’24
Vision Pro - Throw object by hand
Hello All, I'm desperate to found a solution and I need your help please. I've create a simple cube in Vision OS. I can get it by hand (close my hand on it) and move it pretty where I want. But, I would like to throw it (exemple like a basket ball). Not push it, I want to have it in hand and throw it away of me with a velocity and direction = my hand move (and finger opened to release it). Please put me on the wait to do that. Cheers and thanks Mathis
Aug ’24