I work for a fairly large company and trying to figure out how to ensure compliance with macOS 11 patches now when one cannot download dmg files (simple) but with Big Sur this seems impossible to achieve... And let's say I have 10,000 Macs that needs to be patched; does every single one need to download from the internet now? This is fine of course when people work from home but what happens when we go back to the office? It would kill our ISP links.... Is there a way to download the patches on one system and repackage so it can be redistributed on a LAN? This is very worrisome and definitely a showstopper hopping onto the Big Sur wagon at our company...
I just checked my macOS version as I thought it was odd I haven't seen any new updates lately and sure enough, even "softwareupdate -l" from Terminal returns "No new software available." What is going on here? According to apple.com the latest version as of today is macOS 11.4...
user@users-Mac ~ % sudo -i
users-Mac:~ root# softwareupdate -l
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
No new software available.
users-Mac:~ root# sw_vers
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 11.2
BuildVersion: 20D64
users-Mac:~ root#