




Curb the no. of ANCS notifications from IOS device/Stop listening to notifications in BLE peripheral temporary
Dear Apple support, We are working on one of the projects related to BLE, in which our BLE device is acting as a GATT client and our iPhone device (iPhone 13, OS17.3) is acting as a GATT server. Issue being faced: Whenever my BLE device subscribes to the ANCS notifications, and the moment the IOS device starts bombarding with the notifications available in notification center, the BLE device controller's heap memory becomes UNAVAILABLE in runtime for this notifications' queue and eventually making the BLE controller to reset. Thereafter, whenever user tries making a new connection session of BLE, again same thing repeats. Notifications allowed in BLE display : W-SMS, W-CALL, SMS, CALL, none other than this. Issue observed with : IF and ONLY 150 notifications and above available in notification center, otherwise our product works fine with iPhone with less number of notifications. We would like to know how we can curb the number of PRE-EXISTING type notifications available in the notification center flowing towards the BLE device? What best solution can be done at the IOS side, we also have IOS APP team for this project. What kind of APIs does Core Bluetooth framework can provide to the IOS developer in order to overcome this issue. Please suggest possible ways from the IPHONE device only to overcome this. BLE's software CANNOT BE CHANGED under any circumstances as the product is already in production and complaints are coming from end user (from the field). OUR GOAL : ONLY notifications which will be available in run time, i.e. AFTER SUCCESSFUL BLE connection established to be displayed in the BLE's display. We DON'T WANT older notifications to be displayed and flow towards BLE over ANCS. WE MUST make 'notification popup' option as ALLOW to be shared with our BLE device, otherwise SMS,CALL, W-SMS,W-CALL during live connection will not come on the BLE 's display.
Apr ’24
Curb the no. of ANCS notifications from IOS device/Stop listening to notifications in BLE peripheral temporary
Dear Apple support, We are working on one of the projects related to BLE, in which our BLE device is acting as a GATT client and my iPhone device (iPhone 13, 17.3) is acting as a GATT server. Issue being faced: Whenever my BLE device subscribes to the ANCS notifications, and the moment the IOS device starts bombarding with the notifications available in notification center, the BLE device controller's heap memory becomes UNAVAILABLE in runtime for this notifications' queue and eventually making the BLE controller to reset. Thereafter, whenever user tries making a new connection session of BLE, again same thing repeats. Notifications allowed : W-SMS, W-CALL, SMS, CALL, none other than this. Issue observed with : 150 notifications and above available in notification center, otherwise our product works fine with iPhone. We would like to know how we can curb the number of PRE-EXISTING type notifications available in the notification center flowing towards the BLE device? What best solution can be done at the IOS side, we also have IOS APP team for this project. What kind of APIs does Core Bluetooth framework can provide to the IOS developer in order to overcome this issue. Please suggest possible ways from the IPHONE device only to overcome this. BLE's software CANNOT BE CHANGED under any circumstances as the product is already in production and complaints are coming from end user (from the field). OUR GOAL : ONLY notifications which will be available in run time, i.e. AFTER SUCCESSFUL BLE connection established to be displayed in the BLE's display. We DON'T WANT older notifications to be displayed and flow towards BLE over ANCS. WE MUST make 'notification popup' option as ALLOW to be shared with our BLE device, otherwise SMS,CALL, W-SMS,W-CALL during live connection will not come on the BLE 's display.
Mar ’24