
Post marked as solved
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I want to upload a file using uploadTask(with:fromFile:) on iOS (device and simulator). I tried to save/copy the file to the users documents directory, the temp and caches directory, but for every directory uploadTask terminates the app with 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Cannot read file at file:*** -- file:///' What directory/path do you have to use to get this working? Or do you have to add something to the Info.plist or at Signing & Capabilities for the app/project?
by MCDan1670.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
When I change the Language & Region in System Preferences on macOS to language "Norsk nynorsk" and region "Norway" the short example date in the System Preferences window is displayed as "01.04.1976, 07:08". When I create a NSDateFormatter with dateStyle = NSDateFormatterShortStyle and locale = [NSLocale currentLocale] in an application and check the resulting dateFormat of this NSDateFormatter it is "dd/MM/y" and not "dd.MM.y" according to the displayed example date in the System Preferences window. How can I get the correct dateFormat that macOS uses to display the short example date in the System Preferences window?
by MCDan1670.
Last updated