




Confused about expiring certificates
Hi all, I got the email saying my certificate(s) will be expiring in 30 days. I can view my certificates (distribution, distribution managed, and 2x developments) on my account page. The distribution expires in 30 days (4/20/2023) The distribution managed expires in 6 months Development #1 (under my name) expires in 30 days (4/20/2023) Development #2 (also under my name) expires in 2 months (5/26/2023) However, I don't see any way to renew them. I have read other posts that talk about 'edit' or 'generate' buttons, but I don't see that and I presume those posts are just out of date. When I look in my xcode project, I see that I am using 'automatically manage singing'. Xcode also shows that a provisioning profile is expiring in 2 months. I presume that is something different? It has the same expiration date as my development #2 certificate (5/26/2023). It's also unclear what is going to happen when these certificates expire. I read that devices running builds with the expired distribution cert will stop working. Is that just for internal builds downloaded from something like Test Flight? Will live builds, downloaded by actual players from the AppStore, stop working if I don't push a release with a new cert in the next month? I am the one that set this all up and 'maintains' it, but I don't engage with it often enough to remember the bits and bobs. My apologies for all the newbie questions. Thank you for your assistance
Mar ’23
Can't get GameKit iCloud resolveConflictingSavedGames working
I have saved games being implemented in iCloud via GameKit code in my app. It has been working correctly for months. However, I recently encountered an issue with saved game conflicts. The 'conflict detected' callback of GameKit is being triggered. I am trying to properly handle this, but it's not working. This is what I am currently doing: Receive the callback I am passed 2 saved game instances I chose the instance with the newest modification time stamp I call GameKitLoad with that chosen saved game instance I successfully receive a byte[] of data loaded from the saved game instance I then call GameKitResolveConflicts with the following parameters --- Param 1: the original array of 2 saved game instances --- Param 2: the byte[] received after loading the newest instance --- Param 3: my callback I also verify that the parameters I am passing are non-null, non-zero-length, and have valid data However, I get the following error printed out to my log "The requested operations could not be completed because one or more parameters are invalid." And then my callback is invoked with a 'false' result status. From this point on, all iCloud functions fail and saving / loading is impossible. I am unsure what is wrong, but any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time
Feb ’22